Saturday, April 1, 2017

Climate change: If Not Now, then When?

On Tuesday, March 29, 2017, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that, per officials, acts to lower the effort the American government is putting towards stopping climate change. President Trump says that his campaign is working towards increasing the American economy by getting more jobs in the country. This might help bring economic equality to the nation and feed the family of many, maybe even increase the value of the US dollar. But even for President Trump, putting the fate of the world's coastal cities, drying rivers, drought-ridden zones across the world for the benefit of one country is a little too much. 

“It is an issue that deserves attention”, a White House official stated on President Trump’s policy “But I think the President has been very clear that he is not going to pursue climate change policies that put the US economy at risk. It is very simple.”

The policy is expected to bring jobs in mines and factories back to the States, but many are asking, at what cost? The crisis of climate change and global warming was kicked off by the Industrial era, which in turn was kicked off by the discovery of fuel deposits below the surface of earth. So, this policy might actually accelerate climate change.
Something else to be aware of is that the United States of America is technically a part of the world, the Earth, the blue and green marble we all call home. Sadly, protection of our life-giving home is not a reflex everybody has, so it is up to environmentalists and politicians alike to save the Earth.

Hopefully and most likely, the order will be stuck in court for years, until humanity has better understood that our planet is worth more than it individual nations.

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